Thursday, 2 June 2011

Government spendings & hope of new taxes

No, Mr. Finance Minister, the fecklessness of politicians does not obligate me to send more of my money to the government.

Empowered politicians sold the country, or at least Parliament, on emergency spending for wars and bailouts and stimulus.  This was supposedly one-time spending only for the duration of the emergency.  But now Parliamentarians and Mr. Prime Minister (Supposedly chief executive) are treating the peak of this emergency spending as the new baseline, from which cuts are impossible.

Private companies differ from government not in that they don’t have problems with beauracracy and risk aversion and deadwood and bloat and bad incentives – because they do.  The difference is that private companies cannot get away with allowing this stuff to linger forever, and governments can.

Government will never, ever, ever, ever cut spending unless all hope of new taxes is removed, and even then they will likely try to cut spending on the most, rather than the least, popular programs to build public support for more taxes.

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